More Works

Writing is the superpower Hannah and Isabelle wish to wield to move people and inspire change. Here are a few more gold coins from their treasure chest of poems and stories!

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The Snow Globe’s Secret

by Hannah Dastgheib, 15

Chapter 1: A Gift

Ava had never met Grandma Hildegarde before, so when she received a package in the mail, she didn’t know quite what to expect. As usual, she had been trudging through the icy snow on her way back home from school, her fingers frozen popsicles when she had finally reached her mailbox. It was her job to collect the mail and shovel the snow off the driveway every afternoon. Ava always had to do chores like these because she did not have a father, which made her feel abandoned and unloved at times. Her mother did not like to talk about him much, which is why, amidst the usual boring advertisements and bills, she was so surprised to find a brown UPS box addressed to her. 

For me? she thought, staring at her name spelled out in gorgeous swirling red glitter. Ava had never before received a letter, not to mention a whole package. Curious, she gave a tentative poke to the brown box, but when golden and silver sparkles sprung into the air, she stumbled backwards into the snow. Eyes wide, Ava grabbed the mysterious package and dashed for her room. 

* * *

Note:  Please let me know if you want to see the rest as I just finished it!

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Buried in Beauty

by Isabelle Dastgheib, 12

In the eyes of some, the waves sing a song of children’s laughter 

But there is another chord beneath the trilling joy

In minor keys, there is the thrash of crushing barrel waves 

Crumbling onto soft innocent sand 

In sunlight, they shimmer sapphire but under all this blue beauty 

it is dark and murky and stone grey

It is the beast with sharp teeth that howls in the night 

That drowns the cries of the innocent

It lures people to return 

Only to bury them in beauty